My First Post

I started traveling in my early twenties. I had been on road trips or short flights before, but I had never been challenged by throwing myself into a new language, culture and rhythm of daily life. My first experience like this was in Italy. I went with my partner-- now wife-- expecting an interesting trip, full of magnificent, ancient locations and good food. What I got instead was a new way of looking at the world and, as a result, an ever-expanding perspective.

After Italy, I wanted to see and learn more, first-hand and unfiltered. And I wanted to do this with intention and an openness to everything around me. Writing this now, I realize that this sounds a lot like love- specifically, the first experience of love that blindsides you before you know what it is. I don't think that this is a coincidence: I traveled to Italy with my first love, Lisa. One love influenced the other, and they have been doing so ever since.

I offer this memory in order to say how much travel means to me. It is one of my passions, and I wanted to attempt to convey why by sharing a bit of myself with you in the hope that you might trust me to help you create similar memories.

I've included some pictures of that first trip to Italy. We look so young! I'd very much like to create posts like this on a regular basis. They won't all be so personal, but they will always be genuine and thoughtful.